
Here you will find all the news about PhinC Development. We keep you informed about our latest events, our publications, our partnerships and our progress in terms of R&D…

New article: Unlocking the power of PBPK prediction

New article: Unlocking the power of PBPK prediction

PBPK Modeling and ADMET play a significant role in drug development, but their true potential is realized when they work hand in hand. PhinC Development (PhinC) and Oncodesign Services (ODS) are joining forces in order to provide valuable data.
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PhinC launches SiMmAbs project

PhinC launches SiMmAbs project

PhinC is conducting a research project to develop and validate innovative modeling methodologies applied to the specific development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).
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PhinC joins French Tech

PhinC joins French Tech

We are officially a member of the "La French Tech Paris-Saclay" community. An association that federates, creates connections and offers opportunities.
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Club Phase 1
GMP - Groupe de Métabolisme et Pharmacocinétique
Oncodesign services
Paris Saclay
France Biotech
Paris Region Business Club
French Tech Paris-Saclay